Monday, June 29, 2009

Cutest thing ever

Today was my last day of school since I have to get back to the U.S. for graduate school. When I left for a meeting, my students, unbeknownst to me, wrote me some of the cutest notes I've ever read... Here is my favorite: Keep in mind they are second language learners...
Miss M:
I will miss you a lot. This few weeks that you were my teacher I like you a lot because you are very fun. When I don't understand you explain me. You are the best teacher I have met. Thank you for all. I will miss you a lot. Bye Miss M, I hope you like us and I wish you lots of good things. I will remember you always. I will not forget you never.

I almost cried. This is why I do what I do!~ Hasta Augusto, ASP!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Michael Jackson

A post to commemorate the one and only Michael Jackson. He died today at the age of 50 after suffering from cardiac arrest. I don't think his music will ever go out of style... I've been listening to it all night and have found myself singing along and dancing in front of the mirror as a direct result. Remember old times with my favorite videos, Do You Remember the Time and Black or White.

Friday, June 19, 2009


I recently realized that the majority of my exes have taken up with young ladies who they all seem to be considerably content with. I am oh so happy for them, don't get me wrong. What gets me in this discovery is my indifference... Shouldn't I be at least somewhat upset or unsettled? Many of my friends and acquaintances are on the road to seriousness in their relationships... and looking for it if they aren't. For some reason, though, I just don't feel there yet. I guess I am musing over this because I feel pressure to settle down, start a family, set my roots down, not only because it's what you're supposed to do but also because if I don't do it at the same time as my friends, will we still be good friends? It's weird. I am content but still slightly unfulfilled by my current state of being. Like I know that I'm happier being on this side of things but a part of me still wants to be on a predictable path.... too small a part to pursue, however.

Traveling in the past and being in Mexico for the past 6 months has given me a taste of what I want to do with the next few years of my life. In my opinion, it's too short to know and understand just one part of the world and its people. And furthermore, global awareness and sensitivity are becoming more and more of an essential quality for people to have with every passing day. Ok, ok. I'll end my preaching there.... Maybe I am just trying to make myself feel better. As a conclusion to this vent session I will just say that I am in a happy place right now. I don't know if I will grow tired of the lifestyle I am currently leading anytime soon, but for the time being I am comforted by these wise words... "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
~ Mark Twain

Friday, June 12, 2009

I'm shakin in my boots!

This tough guy barks his head off at me every time I walk by his house, which happens to be twice a day. This has been going on now for about 2 months.... you'd think by now that he'd realize that I'm seriously just minding my own business. But noooooo. Maybe I should start walking to school with dog biscuits. Or better yet, a BB gun.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Pooey sidewalks

Another warning: While in Mexico, mind your step. They don't believe in picking up after their dogs and seem to insist on having them do their business in the middle of the sidewalk. Case in point:

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Foals

The Foals. Self-described music that is "just different." A true statement in my opinion. Different in a good way. Their music is addictive but not upon first listen. It's got a Talking Heads/Bloc Party twist going on. My friend here in Mexico told me that they were scheduled to play in Mexico City but in the end there wasn't a high enough demand. Disappointing to say the least. Check out Balloons, Hummer, Dearth and Gold Gold Gold asap.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Battle of the Sexes 2009

Last weekend, the crew went out to the "country house" of one of our friends to commence Battle of the Sexes 2009, basically an excuse for us girls to relive our summer camp days and prove our "athletic" worthiness against the boys. The events included a water balloon toss, three-legged race, spoon race to fill a cup with water, toss the shoes, shaving cream and fruit loop toss, cinnamon & chili tongue endurance, flip cup, and of course, limbo. The difference between this battle and summer camp days was that chelas were being consumed throughout, an addition that made the competition all the more interesting. In the end it was 3-3, girls taking the water balloon toss, spoon race, and shoe toss, with limbo as the tiebreaker... We were neck and neck and I was the last girl standing... aaah. What sorrow it caused me to lose the final battle ~ those blasted Mexicans and their innate height advantage and impeccable flexibility! In the end, a flip cup round or two softened all remaining tensions and we officially began a night for the books- a round of sardines, dance offs, and twister included. Oh what a night!
The battleground.

The competition. Yes, they are wearing women's clothing.

The events.
Rematch 2010!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Red/Green RULES!

So the P.E. soccer tournament was this week between the 6th grade groups. My groups, green and red, rocked! The 20 minute mini-games were held during lunch period on the little field behind the school. There was a girls and boys team for both of my groups, who played the blue and yellow groups. We won every game! Wooooohooooo! Go team!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I love my President

To me, President Obama is the best thing that could have happened to the United States at this point. I am impressed every time I watch CNN AM Fix (which is every day) when I see what he is doing at home and around the world. He is so practical and sincere in his endeavors. Check out some of his Middle East speech here.  Incredible. I'm proud to be an American for the first time in 8 years!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Mexicanos Modismos: Use at your own risk!

Just a sampler of the many Mexican slang words I've picked up thus far... Aguas / Echar aguas: watch out, Andar pedo: to be drunk, Banda/bandera: group of friends, crew, Buena onda: good vibes “Que buena onda!”, Cabron, -a: bastard, (friendly),  Caguama: 40 oz beer, Carnal, -a: really close friend, (Querer) Chaca chaca: a quicke, Chale! – chill out/that sucks, Chela: beer, Chido- cool, Chin! Chinga!– damn, oops, Chinga tu madre: go f yourself, f your mom, Deja de chingar: stop f-ing with me, Chisme: gossip (es chisme- it’s gossip), Chismosa, -o: gossip, Chones: women’s undies, Chupar: chug, drink, Como chingas! You’re so f-in annoying!, Cual es tu pinche pedo? What’s your f-in problem?, Pendejo, -a: asshole, fucking idiot, dumbass, Culo: ass, Un desmadre: a mess, que buen desmadre: what a great party, Fajar: to hook up (not sex), Escuincle: bratty kid, Esta carbon: shitty situation (with friends), Estan cabrones! (they are shitty), Esta perron: it’s the best, it’s the coolest (an event), La flojera: laziness (con tener), Flojo, -a: lazy (estar + de), Fresa: spoiled person, stuck up (es un fresa!), Ganas: urge, horny (tener), Un gorro: condom,  Guacala: Yuck! An expression of disgust, Un guero, una guera: a light skinned person, blonde, Hijo de puta: son of a bitch, Hijole! Omg!, Los huevos: balls, Un monton: a lot of, No mames: No f-ing way, Las pompis: butt “Que pompis tan grandes” what a big botty, Parranda: bar hopping, Pedo: fart, drunk person, Pinche: damn, Que chido! Super! First class, Que pena! What a pain!, Es una pena! It’s a pain, Que una lastima! What a shame!, Que padre: How wonderful, Que pedo? What’s up, Que tal? How are things?, Toda madre: all out “Vamos a toda madre!” Let’s go all out

Monday, June 1, 2009

Sad day for the Tuzos

Going into last night's home game, the Tuzos were down 2-0 from the first half of Mexico's futbol tourné. Things started to look up about mid-way through the game, however, when Christian Gimenez got a penalty kick and scored, taking the game to 1-0. The game ended at 2-0, Tuzos, which meant that the teams were tied and had to go into overtime. Unfortunately, the Pumas scored during overtime, making the final tournament score 3-2 Pumas. A sad day for Pachuca indeed. Better luck next year... Espero.